Good Enough Isn’t
How do you know when to put pencils down? Here’s when to keep pushing your creative concepting. And when to stop.
Don’t Assume
“Conventional wisdom” is so…conventional. And just because a creative brief says it, doesn’t make it true. Here are a few reminders why you should always question your assumptions.
Let’s Emote
To make your story connect, make it personal. Start by uncovering an emotional truth that resonates with your audience.
A Bed Of Nails
It’s tempting to fill your ads and videos with a lot of points, but think again. Here’s why simplifying your message, although painful, is most effective.
Who’s Driving Your Brand?
Let’s talk celebrity endorsements. Whether you’re making a Super Bowl ad or a supermarket ad, be careful who you put your brand behind.
The Open Circle
If you want to connect with your audience, let them be part of your story. This test is something that informs every creative decision I make. Maybe it can guide you, too.
The Four P’s of Story
Before you roll camera, be sure to check your story. Use these four pillars and make your brand video really connect with your audience.
The Power of Branding
We see thousands of logos every day. Here’s a story about one that went missing, and a few thoughts about the real power of branding. It's the first in a series on creativity, advertising and filmmaking—and a shout out to those who inspired me.
The Name Tag Problem
The most important lesson I learned as a design student was not a lecture. It was delivered in a performance on the first day in my first class—ridiculous, confounding, and unforgettable. It’s a message that has guided my career ever since.
Six reasons your film needs a human touch—not AI.
Everywhere you turn, AI is making headlines. The allure is hard to resist, but when it comes to creating a film that represents your company's essence, values, and unique story, the personalized touch of a human filmmaker wins.
Why create a brand video?
A brand video is a powerful tool. Here are five benefits to telling your story and connecting with customers. Consumers are bombarded with countless marketing messages daily, and it can be difficult for brands to cut through the noise and make a lasting impression.
The surprising cost of NOT having a company culture video.
By creating a company culture video, you can attract like-minded people to your mission. An empathetic core message can inspire your existing team, and even strengthen retention when financial incentives from greener pastures try to lure them away. This message must not be chest-beating, but an honest definition of your goals and values.
Customers don’t buy WHAT you do. They buy WHY you do it.
So often in advertising, we don’t stop to consider why customers should care about us. We think that if they only knew about our new features, they would surely have to buy our product. But you can’t rationalize someone into making what is often an emotional purchase decision.
Start weird—and wake up your creativity.
Whenever I'm hitting a creative wall—especially when it comes to commercial ideas—beginning with a really odd image or scenario can help me me jumpstart my brainstorming.